
Things I’m Thankful For

I decided to list some of the many things that I am thankful for this year, at this exact moment, in no particular order besides the order that they pop into my head:

1. Having a job in this economic climate, albeit a job that drives me insane. It pays, it gives me experience in the my chosen field, and for that I count my blessings.

2. Having friends here, especially friends that I work with, who make work much more bearable and even enjoyable.

3. My health, which is in general very good. At the moment, I have a pretty gross head cold, but comparatively that’s not too bad. I haven’t been afflicted with swine flu, dengue fever, malaria, the runs, or any other serious illnesses. I can handle a little bit (ok, a lot) of mucus. I’m sure you needed that mental image. You’re welcome.

4. My friends in general, who keep me sane, and have let me reach out to them when I have needed to.

5. My parents, who are amazing, and who know I’m crazy and don’t mind. My crazy is their doing, anyway.

6. Puppies. Because they still make me happy. Especially the one who lives near my office, and lets me pet her and wrestle with her, and gives me happy puppy nips.

I think that's all for now. I am grateful for many other things, I'm sure, but they're currently eluding my mucus-addled, nap-needing brain.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Love!