
Where I Live

I thought I'd give you a brief tour of the place. Sorry for the washed-out look; we do, in fact, have florescent lighting (which sucks, but is easily remedied with tricky light coverings) and I used the flash to take these.

This is my room, seen from the doorway. Not that big, but I've got plenty of space. Need to get some furniture--some drawers would be nice, or a cheap desk--but we'll see. I also need to deal with those big blank walls; I never feel quite at home until I've got things to look at. White walls make me uncomfortable.
Here's the kitchen area. Once again, I'm living somewhere without an oven, but I'll deal. Not many of us cook in this house...not even myself yet, beyond ramen. Which doesn't really count.
On the other side of the stairs from the kitchen is the living room area: couple of couches, a shelf for shoes, a TV, and moped parking. Lots of space. We want to have a party sometime in the near future.
And lastly, trouble 1 and trouble 2. Garlic and Ginger--I still can't tell them apart, no matter how many times Maraj tells me their differences. I couldn't get a good photo of the big cat, Chili. Obviously, this is going to lead somewhere dangerous:
Kitties are kind of exhausting because they always have to be watched; it's so easy for them to get into something they shouldn't, or pee somewhere they shouldn't. You can't just let them be...I can't, anyway. I worry too much. That, and I have the scratches to prove how difficult they can be to remove from trouble.

In any event, that's the rundown. To end, I wanted to stick in a quotation from one of my favorite books ever, which I am now in the process of rereading: Salman Rushdie's The Ground Beneath Her Feet.

"We underestimate our fellow humans because we underestimate ourselves. They--we--are capable of being much more than we seem. Many of us are able to answer life's darkest questions. We just don't know if we can come up with the answers to the riddles until we're asked."

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Aw Arielle, it looks beautiful. It's nice that you have that much space to yourself. I'm living in a triple and I totally feel the need for private space sometimes.

Also, its not hard to find some wicked fun wicked tasty stovetop recipies. I have one for some awesome stuffed cabbage leaves if you're interested!!!

Your quote is awesome. If it were easier to pick up English books here, I would pick it up.

Love x 10000000